Zoriah’s Book Lists

My Daughter is a typical toddler.  She is OBSESSIVE!!!!  Seriously, she will watch the same movie over and over and over.  She will carry around the same bear, blanket, rubber ducky toy, (whatever she has decided is the flavor of the week) to EVERY place she goes.  The ducky eats dinner with us, and goes on a bike ride, and gets strapped into her carseat with her.  There is no fandom anywhere that can possibly hope to reach the level of obsessiveness as a toddler.

She is the same way with books.  When she finds a book she likes, she wants that one.  No other book is as good, and attempting to read any other book is just asking for a meltdown.

Thankfully for me, she has also realized that Library books aren’t ours forever.  So i’m allowed to take them back and get new books (hallelujah!).

These are the books she has been reading For the months Listed

April 2015 – The Month of Bambi!

May 2015

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