About Me

I’m Karen Matthews, a Professional Housewife.  The Word “Housewife” probably creates a vision of an apron-clad woman in sepia tones holding a fresh apple pie.  You’re not too far off, I am generally seen with baked goods, but the apron is covered in flour (and whatever goo my son has wiped all over it) and I’m in technicolor.

I have a little boy (Zachary) an even smaller girl (Zoriah) and an amazing husband (Richard).  They take up a TON of my time (mostly due to the fact that I homeschool my kids).  I also do Pre-School for my niece (C) who is adorable so there are 2 sets of “Homeschool” stuff.  The Themed weekly things I do with my son (because the Letter A is no longer an acceptable theme) and the Preschool Stuff I do with my niece.

But there are a lot of other things I do too.  I’m into sewing, crocheting, knitting, cooking (omg cooking is my favorite), painting, drawing; I train horses, sing, dabble in several languages (Haitian Kreyol, ASL, Koine Greek, etc.), and have a certain affinity for parenthetical statements apparently. (sorry if that bugs you).  I’m pretty sure all of these will be featured on this page at some point.  Basically, I’m Mr. Darcy’s version of an “accomplished woman.” That kinda makes me happy.

So, here I am, Professional Housewife, and LOVING it!